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Scholar Essays: Cameron



To me HomeWorks is like one giant sleepover! It’s a place where girls our age can spend time together. Instead of being at their house watching Netflix all day, they can do activities with the people they’ve met. We play games, watch movies, and so many other things.

I've grown since my time here. I went from ignoring a problem, to trying to solve it, even if it had nothing to do with me. It doesn’t always work but it’s the trying part that matters.

One of my favorite activities was the community service. We helped kids less fortunate than us have a chance at getting presents for this upcoming Christmas. Another thing was the FBI Trip since we got to see what they were really about. The last thing was tie dying. My shirt came out nice which was surprising since usually there's not enough dye to actually make a good shirt.

When I leave HomeWorks, I’ll probably live life as I used to. I'm better at some skills though, so that could be useful to my future. We did math tutoring so maybe I’ll be using those skills in life in the future. We also did reading tutoring and since we read something everyday that will definitely be helpful at some point.

I’d like to say deuces. It’s been an extremely long 4 months and a lot of the time there was someone who was annoying. But at least it got a bit better towards the end.


Feeling inspired? Donate to our HomeWorks Trenton COVID-19 Relief Fund to support and provide food baskets and grocery store gift cards to our HomeWorks scholars and families during this rough time. All remaining proceeds will go to HomeWorks Trenton 2020 Full-Year Program!

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