Originally posted on Princeton University's Annual Social Venture Competition, April 2017
In 2017's Princeton Social Impact Competition, HomeWorks were national finalists after three grueling rounds of rigorous pitches. The competition provides bright, young social entrepreneurs with resources and connections that will equip them for success. Winning second place, HomeWorks was rewarded with mentorship, networking opportunities and $10,000.
1. Have you developed your product/idea further since PSICOMP?
Because of the money able to flesh out the idea and turn it into a tangible program used the funding to run a summer pilot program for 5 girls for 4 weeks. Now just got money to work on it full time after she graduated.
2. If so, how and what role did PSICOMP play in this development?
If you’re thinking of applying to compete in PSICOMP definitely do. It changed the direction of HomeWorks, originally only thinking to get this off the ground in another 2 years but PSICOMP allowed for it to happen right away.
3. What advice do you have for those who are looking to participate in this year’s PSICOMP?
Make sure you pick something you’re passionate about which will help get you far. Make sure you have a good team.
4. What were some of the biggest challenges you faced in creating your pitch?
Many iterations of pitch, 20 iterations most challenging thing was to prove that we would be able to do it without anything concrete took a huge leap of faith for judges to award money. Tackling education and dealing with people it’s hard to show matrix’s of success, easier to measure data and analytics and facts in other setups i.e. tech.
5. Do you have any new developments planned for the new future?
Gearing up towards launching full year program starting with 10 girls fall 2019 the goal is to have it in Trenton 40 girls in 4 years — full program, far out future — international.