By Bryan Evans
Originally published on Trenton Daily:

August 22, 2020
HomeWorks Trenton, a Trenton-based nonprofit organization, recently received a $25,000 Digital Inclusion grant from the Comcast NBCUniversal Foundation to implement and expand technological programming for its after-school programs.
HomeWorks, an after-school residential program for high school girls, seeks to equip Black and Brown girls in Trenton through engaged community building and programming focused on female empowerment, academics, and life skills. Through a program called “Building Communities through Technology, One Girl at a Time,” HomeWorks will teach its scholars technological literacy with academic and career focuses. This year, due to the COVID-19 crisis, participating scholars will attend an adapted day program that provides a virtual learning environment in addition to in-person HomeWorks programming.
The $25,000 grant from the Comcast NBCUniversal Foundation will allow HomeWorks to provide each scholar with a laptop, an essential tool for success during the online learning phase of COVID-19, as well as the ability to create a digital literacy curriculum and technology-focused field trips.
Natalie Tung, HomeWorks’ Co-Founder and Executive Director, started HomeWorks Trenton in 2016 after attending a boarding school and teaching in Trenton public schools. She says: “In Trenton, New Jersey, we’ve seen how the disruption in schooling and routine has caused students to fall behind in school and have an increase in anxiety and depression. The Comcast Foundation grant allows HomeWorks to directly address this inequity by providing technology resources for our scholars to continue their academic and social-emotional learning. We are so grateful to Comcast for their support!”
“This HomeWorks program aligns directly with Comcast NBCUniversal Foundation’s mission to support programs that have a positive impact on the communities we serve – and where our customers and employees live and work. We are proud to support this program so that it can provide greater access to technology and training to young girls in Trenton, empowering them to succeed,” said Stephanie L. Kosta, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs for Comcast’s Freedom Region.
The Comcast NBCUniversal Foundation continues the work of the foundations founded by Comcast Corporation and NBCUniversal to provide charitable support to qualified non-profit organizations. The Foundation invests in programs intended to have a positive, sustainable impact on the communities we serve. Its mission is to empower communities to thrive by helping to provide access to technology, relevant digital skills and training, and inspiring volunteerism and service. More information about how Comcast NBCUniversal supports the communities it serves is available at