The Campaign for HomeWorks House is enabling us to expand our program and establish permanent roots in Trenton. This is a pivotal first step toward bringing our unique after-school residential model to communities across the country and around the world.
El nuevo hogar de HomeWorks será el principal acelerador de Trenton para escalar soluciones para el bajo rendimiento académico, el racismo sistémico, el sexismo y la pobreza.
Con el mejor centro residencial de su clase, empoderaremos a nuestras futuras lÃderes femeninas para interrumpir los sistemas de racismo y sexismo, avanzar en los logros educativos y fortalecer nuestras comunidades locales.

Program Sustainability and Growth
HomeWorks House will allow us to expand our program to impact 4x scholars per year.
Community Anchor
A permanent home will anchor HomeWorks in our community and increase our visibility and credibility.
Cost Savings
Not only will HomeWorks House allow us to do more for more scholars, but it will also help us do that at a significant cost savings.
Build on Trenton's 250 Plan
Renovating a property that has been vacant for over a decade will enhance the surrounding area.
Hover to learn more!

HomeWorks House is much more than a dorm – it’s a home! A place of belonging where everyone feels safe, secure, loved, accepted, and valued.
The residential component of the HomeWorks model sets us apart. It is the heart of our program: a place where scholars can learn and grow, where they are free to express themselves, where their experiences as young Black and Brown women are validated, and where they can lift each other up.
The Campaign for HomeWorks House will enable us to provide annually:
Days of Dorm Living
Dinners Served
Tutoring Sessions
Hours of Programming
Hours of Mental Health Counseling
HomeWorks House is expected to reduce annual expenses by 30%!
Our new home at 1212 Edgewood is located in the quiet neighborhood of the West Ward, bordering Cadwalader Park (famously designed by Frederick Law Olmstead) and the canal. The campus is just under one acre with plenty of open space and greenery with parking for staff and parent drop-offs. The house sits on a hill, and once renovations and expansions are completed, the house will be just over 14,000 square feet. As with everything at HomeWorks, the selection and purchase of 1212 Edgewood Avenue was intentional. Throughout our purchase, approval, and construction process, we regularly consulted with a panel of experienced advisors in real estate, construction, design, and the city. We chose this specific property with key factors in mind: 1) The location - being slightly further from the city center allows for more open space and fewer distractions for our scholars, 2) Ability to meet zoning and code standards - The building has a history of being a dormitory residence, 3) Size and scope of the building - the building is large enough to accommodate all our needs at HomeWorks.

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(609) 414-7907
PO Box (envÃe todo el correo y los cheques aquÃ):
174 Nassau Street Box #196 Princeton, NJ 08542