Hi, I’m Keaira. I’m 14 and in the 9th grade. I’ve been in HomeWorks for 2 years. HomeWorks is important to me because I get to meet new girls and learn things I didn’t know before I came here and we do beneficial educational activities. My favorite event is our weekly Sunday HomeWorks potluck. The potluck is when all the girls, parents and siblings come together and bring a dish and we talk about our time at HomeWorks and we have fun. I grew up in Trenton, New Jersey. I still live in Trenton. I got to a program called Freedom School, it’s a reading and enrichment program. When I first did HomeWorks last year, I felt homesick but the other 4 girls and my mom and staff helped me out by making me feel like I was home, so I thank them for that. I would like to let y’all know that HomeWorks is a great program for young women. The HomeWorks staff are the best and I’m glad I am in this program. Trenton needed an all girls program where you see new girls at all ages and do new thing. I’m glad HomeWorks is giving back to Trenton by making this program!
One thing I can say is any young woman that comes to HomeWorks will feel welcome and will reach their goals.
I thank all the HomeWorks staff for what they did for us.