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Scholar Essays: Azura



Hi, my name Azura and I am currently attending HomeWorks Trenton. What does HomeWorks mean to me? What HomeWorks mean to me is sisterhood, pride, and responsibility. I chose these three words because it shows what HomeWorks is about. I chose sisterhood because everyone in the house are sisters and have a sisterly bond with each other. What is HomeWorks? HomeWorks is a place where you can have fun and be yourself around other girls your age. HomeWorks is not only staying with girls your age like a sleep over. You have tutors to help you with your work and homework, fun activities with each other without using your phone, have breaks if you don't have homework, go on fun amazing trips, and have fun parties.

How have I grown by being at HomeWorks academically, emotionally, and personally? I have grown a lot ever since I have been in the program. I have grown a lot because in the beginning I was very shy and I didn’t want to talk to anybody. One example is Quincy and Naveah, two scholars who tried to talk to me in the beginning and I looked at them like I really didn’t want to say anything, but I did so it wouldn’t seem rude. I have opened up to people and tell them what is wrong with me when I’m upset or angry. Before, I would not tell anybody anything. I would only tell my sister everything because she is the only person I trust.

What are my three favorite HomeWorks activities and why? The first activity I enjoyed most at HomeWorks was the FBI trip. On the FBI trip we got a chance to do fingerprints and understand that the FBI does a lot more than what you see on TV. For example you can't put cocoa powder on the finger prints because it will mess it up, and I like what we did with the fingerprints. Now I know how to check fingerprints. The second activity I enjoyed was going to watch Ms. Mofope (HomeWorks tutor) dance. I didn’t know she could dance at first, but she is amazing. I liked the girl that was making everybody excited she is like an older version of me. The last activity I enjoyed was cooking with Chef Sal (Barn at Gravity Hill), because I love cooking. I’m always cooking at home with my parents. The bread that one group made was amazing. If my parents let me, I want to make dinner for them one day.

What am I going to do differently in the future when leaving HomeWorks? I am going to do everything I learned here at the program. Everyone here has made me a better person and I will remember that and use everything they gave me in the future.If I need help with a certain thing in life that they did, I will call them to help me and even just hangout because these people are like your 2nd family.

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